
Our Philosophy of Support

We are not just a manufacturer that sells hardware and software.The value of a customer’s product can only be enjoyed if it operates in a stable state at all times. In this sense, our goal is not to sell a product, but rather to provide a real competitive edge to our customers after they have purchased the product.We want medical professionals, who have many patients behind them, to be able to concentrate on medical care itself without any worries. We also provide “peace of mind” through the stable operation of our products.

  • After Maintenance
  • System

Three Promises

A close advisor for long-lasting use

YUYAMA’s after-sales maintenance staff are instructed not to make easy replacement proposals. This is because we appreciate the fact that you have taken such good care of our products, and our first choice is to ensure that you continue to use them for many years to come. How can we ensure that you can continue to use our products with peace of mind? What is the budget for repair? We do not have the option of giving up without providing such information. Of course, we will be honest with you if it would be in your best interest to replace the product, but what we want to tell you is that we are thinking first about whether we can make use of your valuable asset, the product. Please feel free to contact us.

Nationwide locations for speedy response

YUYAMA’s after-sales maintenance staff will not make easy replacement proposals. This is because we appreciate that you have taken good care of our products to this point, and our first choice is for you to use them for many years to come. How can we ensure that you can continue to use our products with peace of mind? How much budget will be needed for repair? Our first priority is to make sure that we can make the most of your valuable asset, your product, so please feel free to contact us.

On-site meticulous attention is the YUYAMA standard

YUYAMA’s after-sales maintenance is not limited to repairing products. We believe that we need to continue to be a trusted after-sales maintenance manufacturer, taking into account the mindset of our customers who use our products.
Therefore, we will not forget to take precautions such as using rugs to avoid staining the floor when performing repairs, using test dispensing paper that we brought with us when handling dispensing machines, and taking precautions and cleaning products properly after repairs and inspections are completed.
We hope that any new discoveries we make will be shared throughout the country and evolve into new standards.

Reliable maintenance support

Repair support

CS Activities

Call Center

Reliable maintenance support

  • 01

    Repair support

  • 02

    CS Activities

  • 03

    Call Center

Skill Development System

Skill Transfer and Skill Improvement through Individual Assessment

As a company with a large lineup of in-house products, YUYAMA needs to constantly share information and skills related to new products and technologies within the company. Therefore, we are striving to improve the skills of our after-sales maintenance staff, led by the technical manager, who runs the field through technical leaders in each region.
In addition, more than 100 individual staff members are scored on our own skill evaluation chart, and the head office keeps track of the data for each item.This system allows us to resolve on-the-spot any questions or issues that need to be addressed, and we have put in place a system to improve the skills of our staff.

Flow of System Introduction
Flow of System Introduction


YQMS is YUYAMA’s unique system that assigns a person in charge of operations in each region to manage on-site personnel and provide the same level of quality nationwide without fail, with specifications tailored to individual user circumstances.

Legal YQMS to meet customer needs

SEs come in from the start

Construction begins as soon as our sales representatives receive an order for a system. This minimizes blurring of specifications, and ensures that our customers’ requirements are met with reliable technology. In addition, to prevent variations in response and skills among SEs in charge of each region, we utilize a hearing sheet based on know-how accumulated through thousands of cases to date.

Full support system

YUYAMA’s nationwide support network allows us to respond quickly to our customers’ needs. Our team will work together to provide total solutions, from pre-introduction consultation to delivery, as well as effective operation methods and after-sales support.

DR (Design Review) Implementation

DR (Design Review) is a rigorous in-house review process that is conducted not only after system specifications have been finalized, but also during the process of finalizing specifications up to that point. Whenever discrepancies are likely to occur between the client and us in the system construction process, not only the SE in charge but also senior management SEs from different regions check the system. We have established a system to conduct systematic checks that are clear to everyone, based on the hearing sheets that we have obtained.

7 levels of DR

After checking as system professionals that the specifications are truly suited to the operation of the customer’s facility, the system staff in charge of the system checks as many as seven DRs to ensure that the formulated specifications are in accordance with their contents, without waste and without causing any unexpected inconvenience, and that the work is progressing on time.

System Introduction Flow


Please feel free to contact us for any inquiries about our services and products.