“Promote Healthcare with a Human Side”
—Our Aspiration at YUYAMA—
Our goal is to contribute to improving the safety and quality of drug therapy while reducing the time pharmacists spend on preparation work to as close to zero as possible. We propose a new style in which pharmacists can concentrate on their personal duties through a system that allows someone else to operate the dispensing equipment with peace of mind. This is the new dispensing concept “zero for Pharmacy” that YUYAMA is aiming for.
We believe in pioneering the future of pharmacy.

Three zeros

Reduce the time pharmacists spend in the dispensing room to zero.
By eliminating the time pharmacists spend in the dispensing space for preparation, they will be able to provide more personalized services to patients, such as detailed medication guidance.
To achieve this, it is necessary to entrust the operation of dispensing equipment to someone else.
YUYAMA aims to become a “zero Pharmacist” through a system that allows people to leave the operation of dispensing equipment to others with peace of mind.

Reduce the number of dispensing errors caused by human error to zero.
In order for anyone to be able to operate dispensing devices accurately without making mistakes and for pharmacists to be able to entrust preparation work with peace of mind, the occurrence of dispensing errors due to human error must be reduced to zero.
For this purpose, under the pharmacist’s instruction, the operation of the dispensing device by zero judgment accompanied by pharmacological knowledge can be performed with YUYAMA’s zero series.

Reduce pharmacists’ time for preparation to zero.
If full automation of accurate and safe preparation work advances, it will eventually be possible to reduce the time pharmacists spend on preparation work to zero (zero time). zero time will allow pharmacists to concentrate on their duties.
YUYAMA is aiming for “zero time” by utilizing our imagination and development capabilities with cutting-edge technology.
zero Series
Introduction Movie